Here are 5 tips on how to sell more with a video on your site. Encouraging organic traffic with higher conversion rate and reach and a better Google ranking thanks to SEO Boost.
Watch this video that covers the whole article.
In this article you will learn...
- How to use video to increase the conversion rate of your website – generating more sales and leads,
- How to achieve higher Google rankings with SEO video,
- What to incorporate when creating a video to achieve maximum success.
Basis: How is your conversion rate?
Let's start with a seemingly small (but extremely important) sidebar to get started with of the 5 strategies we want to teach you.
Do you want to successfully sell and promote your products and services on the internet?
Do you want to get people excited about what you have to offer? Build a community of regular customers and website visitors? In short, do you want to sell more?
If these are your goals, then this step should be of the utmost importance to you: the conversion rate.
The conversion rate indicates how many of the visitors that find their way to your website or landing page become actual paying customers – or, depending on the nature of your business, become leads through contact requests.

The „Sales-Funnel“ : The heart of any online marketing strategy.
The top priority in online marketing is to constantly monitor this conversion rate and optimize it according to the stats.
Let's assume that the conversion rate of your website is currently around 2% – a fairly small number at first glance, right?
Do not worry: the truth is that the majority of all website operators are alike and a conversion rate in this lower single-digit percentage range does not imply anything particularly negative.
On average, only 2 out of 100 visitors actually click on the all-important "Buy" or "Contact" button.
There are many reasons that this happens: An uninteresting or basic page structure, long page loading times, confusing content.

Landingpage of the support tool provider Zendesk: Highly visible Call-to-Actions.
The good news is that almost every website has tremendous potential. Any slight improvement in your conversion rate leads to a dramatically positive impact on sales.
Computational example: Conversionrate.
Let's say you sell your product for $500 a unit. Every month, around 10,000 people visit your website. We already know your conversion rate is 2%. Thus, your monthly online turnover is $100,000.
Now suppose you can cleverly increase your conversion rate by just 0.2 percent to 2.2%. + 0.2% ... that does not sound like much.
Not so fast. The increase and optimization of your conversion rate by only 0.2% would lead in the calculation example above to an additional revenue of $10,000 per month!
Even if this example seems rather simple and striking at first glance, it does make one thing clear: to improve the marginal conversion rate (thus the profit of your website or online shop) means nothing more than correcting the immediate turnover.

Landingpage of Instapage: clear and understandable.
The all-important question is: How do you optimize your conversion rate?
Well, in many different ways: sometimes you implement more, and sometimes less is more.
A very effective and easy way to optimize your conversion rate is the use of your own video on your product landing page or homepage of your website.
Learn how to optimize the conversion rate of your online store.
Here are the 5 most important tips & tricks to improve your conversion rate using video.
#1 A video boosts your conversion rate.
Numerous studies have shown that a video that is clearly visible on your website, demonstrating the basic information, advantages, and functionality of your product, positively influences the conversion rate.
Let's start with an example: Dropbox.
The tech giant from the USA placed a 1.20min long animated explainer video on its landing page. By simply installing the video, the company was able to increase its conversion rate by 10%.
Dropbox is the perfect success story to complement the following case studies.
Companies were able to more drastically increase their conversion rates with videos such as:
- eParty Unlimited (+43%).
- Stacks and Stacks (+144%).
- oder (+350%).
Pure coincidence and the success of a few? Not at all.
A Mynd explainer video: Produced for "Fresenius".
According to a general survey by eyeviewdigital, a well-placed video increases the probability of conversion on a website by an average of 80%.
Visitors are more inclined to buy the product after previewing it via explainer or image video by 64-85% (source: invondo).
These statistics coincide with the numbers of an international survey conducted by wyzowl. According to them, 72% of all surveyed companies reported that a video caused a sustainable increase in conversion rate.
Result of the survey:
These statistics coincide with the numbers of an international survey conducted by wyzowl. According to them, 72% of all surveyed companies reported that a video caused a sustainable increase in conversion rate.
These figures alone should inspire every person marketing their online business to think about a unique and personal video for their website.
But it gets better!
#2 SEO: Videos Improve Your Visibility on Google.
In addition to the likelihood of a purchase, the sheer number of visitors to your website is another important factor that influences your monthly sales.
Simply put, the more visitors you get in the front door, so to speak, the more customers you convince to stay.
The most important way to make people aware of your website is organic traffic through search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

he Google Search: Divided into paid and organic results.
Wie beispielsweise Google die Wertigkeit Ihrer Webseite (und somit das Ranking) einstuft, hängt von mehreren Faktoren ab – und längst haben die Suchalgorithmen gelernt, den Mehrwert einer Seite aus User-Sicht extrem genau beurteilen zu können. Seitenlange mit Keywords vollgestopfte Fließtexte gehören der Vergangenheit an.
Google classifies the value, a.k.aa ranking of your website, based on their algorithms and several factors that take into account the user's point of view.
Pages monitor the use of keywords throughout the site called: SEO.
A video on your website boosts almost every relevant SEO factor and leads to a higher ranking!
Therefore, you should take every opportunity to optimize your video on the respective channels. Most importantly, according to a survey by Forbes, a video increases the "time on site" by a whopping 88%. As a result, the bounce rate is also lowered significantly.
Both are extremely important factors that Google uses as criteria for a good website. They present the best to people as first results in their searches.
To further drive the point: at least one video can be found on more than 70% of the top 100 search results on Google.
So if you value your Google placement and your visitor count, you will implement a video ASAP.
#3 Videos are more likely to be Shared.
If you are looking for a nice restaurant for Friday dinner, you may want to search the Internet for a couple of restaurants in advance. Some look delicious... and some less appealing.
In the end, you’re trying to decide on a restaurant based on a mix of pictures of other patrons’ experiences and your own gut feeling, but that's not what you would need to be 100% sure of a decision.
Now imagine, a friend recommends a good restaurant and raves about his great dinner last week.
The effect that this recommendation has on you as a recipient is much more effective than the independent research conducted on your own. It is almost certain that you will visit the place in the near future based on the recommendation alone.
Has been shared on Facebook & Co hundreds of times: The product video of xero.
Die enorme Power von Empfehlungen und des so genannten “word of mouth” wird von vielen Marketern auch heutzutage immer noch unterschätzt – dabei ist sie wissenschaftlich bewiesen!
The enormous power of "word of mouth" is still underestimated by many marketers – even though it has been scientifically proven!
The modern form of the word-of-mouth recommendation is social media marketing through Facebook, Instagram, XING, and LinkedIn, and sharing experiences via messenger services like WhatsApp or email.
The probability that a video gets “shared” is greater than that for statuses, tweets, or pictures.
Rabbit mobile: An explainer video from Mynd.
According to a study by the NRG Digital Video Production Agency, 70% of people say they've shared a brand or company video on their social media accounts. The extremely positive effect that the video has on friend circles, acquaintances, networks, or professionals, is obvious.
Think of the restaurant referral example.
#4 Understand and remember.
From a purely biological point of view, humans are not well-suited to the rapid flood of information and constant change that we are facing today.
In more complex relationships, like technical product novelties, tips, tricks, and influences at every turn, our need for one thing is clearly indicated: help!
That's where we all come to an understanding.
Novum Engineering, illustrated in an explainer video by Mynd.
Nowadays, every product and service needs to be explained in easily-digestible tidbits that prove the respective value.
Online, this challenge is a lot harder because you can not directly contact your potential customers.
Video Marketing principle:
A video helps you communicate successfully to potential or recurring customers online.
An informative product description text or product photos are all well and good, but illustration and explanation in the form of a product video or explainer video are the closest thing to the real presentation. They bridge the gap left by the anonymous online presentation.
Good to know:
Studies have also shown that our brain can process video content about 60,000 times faster than text.
Therefore, a video is much better than text when attempting to explain the advantages and features of a product.
An official study adds an additional interesting fact: people can memorize a message much better if it is transported as a video (around 95%) in comparison to having to process the identical message as text (only 10%).
So – think of your product or service. If you do not rely on video communication today, the likelihood that your visitors will not retain the content you're trying to convey is dangerously high.
In view of the modern "customer journey", this scientific finding cannot be ignored. As mentioned in the beginning, only a fraction of all those interested in buying your product visit your website in the first place, regardless of the alleged perfection of your offer.
People may browse around on the way home on the subway on their smartphones, then compare offers on the computer at home and often make a decision on their purchase days or weeks later.
If you do not have a lasting impression in their minds, you are leaving a tremendous revenue potential untapped.
In short: video penetrates the mind... and is scientifically proven to stay there, too.
#5 How to create a conversion-optimized video.
We have learned about the great impact a video can have on your site.
But before you put any ol’ video on your site, we have to warn you that the style, content, quality, and composition of that video can drive or kill sales.
In general, you should make sure that your new video is short and entertaining.
Here’s why!
According to an extensive survey by Wistia, about 80% of those who press the play button are only watching the first 30 seconds of a video.
That means that in this period, 20% of people actually interested in the video content stop watching due to the quality of production! And so it continues: only 68% remain engaged until minute 1.30. At the latest minute, you have already lost 50% of all spectators.

Of course, these numbers can not be universally applied to any video because the structure (especially Storytelling) and the visual quality of each video strongly influence how long viewers really stay tuned.
Nevertheless, it can be deduced from the survey:
- The shorter your video is, the more people watch it until the end.
- Most content should be presented before the last 10 seconds of a video, because there is a very small chance that a most viewers will ever see it.
- Your video should be so exciting or interesting in the first few seconds that viewers continue their own engagement, as you only reach the majority of your audience in the first few seconds.
Of course, your video needs a professional visual appearance to succeed.
The most important thing that can help people stay “in tune,” is clever storytelling.
If your video tells a story that touches the audience in the first few seconds (be it in an impressive, emotional, or humorous way), that's half the battle. The other half is the “wow” factor, using impressive videography like 3D effects.
Good to know:
In addition to the online “foot traffic,” the video itself can become a source of conversion through modern techniques.
If you do not embed your own movie via a YouTube or Vimeo window, but with the Wistia video player, you can enjoy the so-called "turnstile" feature.

With Turnstile, you can place a call-to-action anywhere in the video , so that you can, for example, offer an order button or further information to the product you have just presented.
Again, Wistia exemplifies a positive statistic: the evaluation of over 15,000 videos with turnstile function has shown that this action request is best positioned at about 10-20% of the video runtime.
The conversion rate, in this case, is the ratio of all video viewers to those who click on the button, at an incredible 43%!
This finding further supports our statistic mentioned above, regarding the length of stay along the video game time.
What now?
The first step towards making your own video is the non-binding advice from a company that specializes in producing sales-optimized video.
You can easily and simply discuss the most productive video format to achieve your goal by optimizing your conversion rate and thus selling more in the short term.