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Video | 16 minutes read

Top 5 Explainer Video Agencies that Draw International Attention


Author: Liesa Wieruch

13. September 2019

Consumers love explainer videos. After all, who wants to spend hours reading through operating instructions or complicated facts? Well, nobody. Here, we will introduce the top 5 internationally known explainer video agencies to you.

If you are interested in this article, then that means that you have decided whether you are an agency or a self-producer. You've made the decision to get help from a video marketing agency to create your video. Smart! This saves you time and allows you to concentrate on your core business by letting the professionals take care of it.

But now you are spoilt for choice when it comes to finding a suitable agency. And that's really not easy. After all, you have to choose a partner who is experienced, well equipped, and on the same wavelength.

In addition, consumers prefer explainer videos as one of the most popular content formats. They are interactive, entertaining, and playfully educational. For marketers, this means more effective communication, as a business idea or product can be presented within seconds.

Faster than trying: ABUS' lock selector explained in simple terms.

Explainer videos are extremely important in your own brand communication. That doesn't make the selection process any easier. What is needed is a reliable partner who not only understands his trade but also is a talent for communication in the field of interpersonal relationships.

It is not unusual for clients to look abroad for a suitable partner. There can be various reasons for this – a global understanding of the market and target groups through cooperation with local subsidiaries and business partners, new perspectives, or a better price-performance ratio.

As a busy marketer, you certainly don't have the time to search thoroughly for a suitable video agency. You'd rather rely on recommendations from colleagues, friends, or acquaintances. Are we right?

Giving recommendations is exactly what we will do in this article. Instead of providing you with a detailed comparison between agencies, we'd much rather discuss why these agencies dominate the international market. What makes you special? At the end of this article, you should have developed a feeling for the respective service providers in order to be able to decide in advance whether you want to deal further with this agency. Details can be clarified later when you have identified one to three favorites.

McKesson as a satisfied customer about the cooperation with YumYum.

Are you sceptical about working with agencies from abroad or do you still not quite understand the advantages for you? After reading this article, all those preconceived notions will be erased from your mind.

4 Myths About Working with Foreign Agencies.

#1 Myth: Different Time Zones Make Communication Difficult.

This can actually become a challenge, but you can look for agencies in countries that have a similar time zone or one that you can get along with best. For example, you can call Buenos Aires in the afternoon and Asia or Australia in the morning. Johannesburg in South Africa, for example, has no time difference at all to Berlin (CEST).

You just have to be flexible and open. However, if you see a different time zone as a reason to deny an offer, that is a lazy excuse from our point of view. You might be letting an even better offer slip through your fingers. Thanks to digitalization, there are numerous possibilities that simplify remote work, bringing us to the next point.

#2 Myth: There Are No Effective Work Processes.

Wrong! There are numerous companies that have made it their business to manage international teams. Instead of personal meetings, video conferences can be convened via Skype, Zoom, or GoToMeeting.

There are also cloud based work platforms for sharing information and working synchronously on the same document. Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive for Windows are ideal for this.

Payment systems for paying bills in other currencies with little or no fees are widely used. Just take a look at Paypal, Transferwise, or Stripe.

This is what the digital world looks like today! Even if you're sitting in the same city, you'll spend most of your time telephoning or e-mailing together via a digital communication platform. Does it really make such a big difference where your project managers are located?

Zoom revolutionizes the way international teams communicate with each other today.

#3 Myth: The Language Barrier is a Problem.

Yes, you have a point. However, we have a counterargument. English is the world language. In the business world and in companies that operate globally, fluency in English is a must. Many co-workers have already studied or worked in an English-speaking country, so that they already come very close to the level of a native speaker.

To make the voice over sound natural, most agencies work with native speakers- whether in English, Spanish, German, or any other language, which brings us to the next point.

#4 Myth: Foreign Agencies Don't Know Their Target Group and the Market.

We can't agree with that. Many agencies benefit from the local expertise of their branch offices and other business partners. They know the local market and the target group inside out because they take part in their everyday lives or, at least, come into contact with them. They even speak their language, which contributes to a better understanding of the culture.

With this knowledge, you should now be able to make an unbiased and open choice of agency.

Are you not quite sure which considerations you should take in your decision?

At this point, we can tell you that you basically want to find out two things: Is the professional and interpersonal competence right? Ask yourself whether the agency has enough experience and whether you feel you are in good hands with it right from the start. You should also be sympathetic to each other. Are you looking forward to working with them in the future? If you can answer all these questions with a clear "yes,” then the matter is over.

Now, you are here to get to know the market-leading explainer video agencies on an international level. In our opinion, you are in the best hands with these agencies.

Our International Selection: The Best Explainer Video Agencies World-Wide.

Our selection includes experts with the most expertise, the best skills, and the largest portfolio. First, we report on some general information and then highlight the specifics of each agency. Video examples are included so you can get a better picture.

Just for your information in advance: We will not discuss the product range in detail, as some agencies create individual offers to suit your needs. For this reason, there are various options and specifications from which you can choose. You know what you want, so simply ask the agency of your choice!

#1 Demo Duck – Chicago, USA.

An episode of the "Your Money Minute" success series by Demo Duck.

Who? – Background.

Demo Duck was founded in 2011 in Chicago and currently employs about 16 people. They create animated explainer videos for companies in the advertising, educational, and media world. They are known for their versatile and high-quality video productions.

Was? – Projects & Clients.

The term explainer video is too far seized, Demo Duck finds. Therefore, the agency offers different explainer video formats: testimonials from clients, tutorials (how-to videos), company stories, commercial ads, and other training content.

Well-known customers are Facebook, Dropbox, Netflix, Canon, Discovery Education, and Geico. Well-known customer comments, such as those of online marketing guru Neil Patel, can be found on the agency's website.

Why? – Special Features.

The agency has many years of experience with companies of all kinds, large and small, local and international, new and old.

They are particularly strong in the banking, insurance, and healthcare sectors, as well as in NGOs. Together with their partners (e.g. Northwestern Mutual and American Society of Gene & Cell Therapy), they have shot numerous video series on the subject of enlightenment. The experts at Demo Duck know how to simplify complex topics and present them in an understandable way.

In addition, Demo Duck believes (and we fully agree with them) that writing the story is one of the most important phases in the video production process. Beautiful visuals, a fancy soundtrack, and a pleasant voice over are part of a successful video, but not the most important. According to them, a message can only be conveyed convincingly if there is a solid foundation, consisting of a creative concept and a well thought-out script.

Demo Ducks compares finding the right agency partner with dating and claims to be marriage material. A grandiose comparison that we can only agree with.

#2 Yum Yum Videos – Buenos Aires, Argentinien.

With over 350 K Views, this is the most viewed video on Yum Yum Videos YouTube Channel..

Who? – Background.

The founding year of Yum Yum Videos goes back to 2010. Since then, the agency has not grown much. The staff consists of a little more than 10 colleagues. It seems as if a small, but well-rehearsed team, is important to them.

Yum Yum Studios offers customers integrated video marketing strategies (inbound marketing) for more company growth.

What? – Projects & Clients.

Their portfolio includes customer names from huge corporations and well-known global players, such as American Express, Walmart, Red Bull, and Heinz. Several Fortune 500 companies are also among them. However, Yum Yum Videos emphasizes that they are also in charge of small 1-person start ups. The size of the company and the stage is not their primary concern.

They have the most industry experience in education, financial services, healthcare, information technology, and marketing and advertising.

Yum Yum Studios believes that video content is an integral part of today's and tomorrow's marketing mix because videos improve the effectiveness of all marketing activities, and, thus, the achievement of predefined corporate goals. They state, quite clearly, that a video alone does not bring about the magic. There must be several. Many of the agency's clients agree because follow-up orders are the result.

Why? – Special Features.

Yum Yum Studios follows a customer-oriented approach, meaning that as contractors, they want to first understand a brand and its target group before creating individually tailored videos. But this is not where their service ends. They also provide customers with additional services in digital marketing (e.g. strategy, branding and SEO) if desired.

Your greatest aspiration to yourself: Encourage interactions by addressing target groups personally. Nothing works without storytelling, they say, and we have nothing to oppose that.

Obviously, the small, but fine team at Yum Yum Studios knows what they are doing. HubSpot crowned two of their videos with the best explainer videos on the web next to a few others. They also have 10,000 subscribers on their YouTube channel. Each video has several thousand views. That means something.

Ganz offensichtlich weiß das kleine, aber feine Team von Yum Yum Studios, was sie tun. HubSpot krönte zwei ihrer Videos zu den besten Erklärvideos im Web neben ein paar weiteren. Auch auf ihrem YouTube Channel können sie 10.000 Subscriber vorweisen. Jedes Video hat dabei mehrere Tausend Views. Das will was heißen.

#3 Wyzowl – Southport & Manchester, England.

So erstellt die Erklärvideo-Agentur Wyzowl ihre Videos.

Who? – Background.

The agency Wyzowl looks like the two predecessors back on a long experience. 2011 was their year of birth and they now have more than 20 employees.

They call themselves the pioneers from England and have already gained experience in video production in many parts of the world. Due to their maturity, the agency members know that they are not the most suitable partner for everyone nor do they want to be. They remain realistic and maintain an authentic image.

What? – Projects & Clients.

The English video makers proudly present all their creativity on their website: Over 2500 explainer videos for over 1300 brands in over 40 countries. Without a doubt, these gentlemen have an idea of their work.

Customers include well-known brand names such as Oracle, Allianz, and Virgin Atlantic. They have deeper expertise in the software industry (see Deloitte, LG and TNT).

Their customers describe Wyzowl's work processes as uncomplicated and smooth. No wonder many of their former clients come back to them for follow-up orders.

Why? – Special Features.

Wyzowl not only produces animated marketing videos, but also mobile apps and web app demo videos, as well as pre-roll videos and app store preview videos.

They offer software companies a free, interactive eBook for download with 18 pages for people interested in learning how they can use videos most effectively. For everyone else, their library contains additional eBooks on topics such as animated or interactive videos.

We also find the unlimited feedback loops, which are installed after each work process, worth mentioning. Wyzowl is able to avoid later improvement requests, saving time on both sides. As their motto states, it’s better to optimize immediately and make adjustments when creating the video. It gets more and more complicated to work on an existing product.

They also have their own online project management software. This allows customers to communicate with every member of the project team at every stage – a transparent communication system that should be praised.

#4 Wow-How Studio – Kharkiv, Ukraine.

The latest works of Wow-How Studio are summarized in a crisp showreel video.

Wer? – Background.

Our European friends from Ukraine are a video production and design agency. They were already founded in 2009 and are old hands in business and in our alliance. With over 30 employees, they are also the largest of our presented agencies.

Their focus is on creative conception and digital design solutions. Our range of services includes animated video production, post-production, video editing, animation design, 2D/3D graphic design, illustrations for video games, as well as AR/VR development, and design.

Their team is very diverse and consists of agile, experienced digital designers, visual artists, video producers, animators, screenwriters, copywriters, 3D modellers, project managers, VR and AR experts. They form a one-stop-shop to visualize ideas in the best possible way.

What? – Projects & Customers.

Wow-How Studio is open for all companies from different industries. They have no specific focus. They are the right partner for all those who appreciate art and are willing to take a different path in their creativity. Mercedes-Benz, Weimei, OptimizeMyAirbnb, and Luma Health are just four of the courageous pioneers.

Above all, customers praise the fantastic price-performance ratio, fast implementation, and simple communication.

Why? – Special Features.

Wow-How Studio can be described as a creative workshop and its employees are primarily artists. The process of creating your own video begins very simply with an idea, a piece of paper, and a pen. As soon as the design is approved, their "Development Triangle" comes into effect- art, design, and technology are united.

In addition, they offer design and branding services for print media. This includes illustrations for advertising material and book covers, as well as beautiful designs for business supplies, such as business cards and letterheads.

They also offer complete design concepts for video games, taking on the role of Art/Creative Director.

The creative minds at Wow-How Studio also know how to fine-tune existing videos with sophisticated tricks (e.g. motion graphics, additional subtitles, and color corrections).

#5 Mynd – International.

Mynd's humorous intro reveals its character as an agency

We see ourselves as one of the best explainer video agencies, and we are not ashamed to say this out loud, so we would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Who? – Background.

We are the baby chick among the agencies just mentioned, but our growth is amazing. In 2014, we hatched out of the egg as a German start-up and have since made a steep ascent.

We have won several start-up and innovation awards from the City of Frankfurt and the Handelsblatt, enabling us to grow rapidly and open further offices in Germany, Switzerland, America, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. We now have a large international team of over 100 employees.

We are broadly positioned and understand video projects for our customers so that they can achieve their goals in marketing, sales, and internal communication.

What? – Projects & Customers.

The big fish in our portfolio are Porsche, Bayer, McDonalds, Adidas, and Telekom.

Our customers are as diverse as the areas in which our videos are used – from explainer videos and image films, to product videos and commercials, to social media videos, to trade show films, and much more. We are your contact for everything! It doesn't matter whether it's animation, real film, or mixed media. We can serve all three areas.

Over the years we have produced 4500 videos.

Why? – Features.

We are an agency with a large portfolio and 5 years of experience. We are familiar with all the challenges and pitfalls that can arise during a video production so that we know what to do quickly.

We fulfill the stereotypes of the German work mentalitymeticulously accurate, punctual, and highly professional with just a trace of humor. Actually, with much more humor.

Have you become curious as to who we are and want to know more about us?

Mynd offers many possibilities for a first contact with:

The best way to start your journey is to visit our website!

Who Will Be Your Agency Partner in 2019?

Creating a really well done video requires one thing above all: a well-prepared and well-rehearsed team. The end result is only as good as the overall team performance.

In this article, we have introduced you to the world's best teams of award-winning explainer video agencies. Now you have the opportunity to choose your perfect partner from our top 5 favorites.

We hope that our information is helpful and wish you every success in your further search!

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